This is how I handle non-tippers.
How Bad are the Batches below 4.7?
People are betting on invasion at Taiwan for Intel stock
My first $300 day!
Is this normal for a new shopper?
New Shopper Tip
Still chasing this high
Am I wrong for asking for ID first b4 entering?
Ive never reduce tips…until now
Store phone number
Seniors are my favorite people to shop for.
$300-$500 / week in Dallas. Is it possible?
Question on rating system
New shopper here.
3 shop organization.
Instacart shopper GUILT?
Why so mad?
Instaprops - Show Off Your Compliments
How does Salami even get damaged??
Some customers can be fun.
Dafaq is this keep your .1 😡
Beyond pissed wtf
If I get three bad ratings today, I deserve it.
Are my tip numbers trying to tell me something?