Did I get the April Fools patch early? 2 games in a row the tower prioritizes attacking ranged minions first
FTD Player progression through the first 2000 hrs
RiotPhroxzon on the PBE lane swap changes
I truly believe League of Legends is the perfect example of a game that SHOULD NOT listen to it's community
Why do people in ARAM feel like wanting to win is a bad thing?
What do you think of this graves build? Looks troll but he got most damage and was super tanky
Managed to get 7 honour in a game. Anyone else liking the ability to honour the enemy team?
What game was your biggest waste of money?
What is the champ that when he is in your team, you say: I'm going to lose
In the documentary "the human centipede", they used practical effects instead of actually surgically attaching the actors' faces to the other actors' assholes.
What are some powerful off-meta builds/rune setups for champions that can use them effectively?
Mobile game starterpack
Aram is real League
This is getting out of hand
I am in the depths of ARAM hell right now
The entire campus is full of sick people. I’ve already caught the flu and I can’t study.
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G600/Any good working alternatives for ghub?
How To Install OLD GHUB (Works, no auto update)
Anivia wall can change the spawn location of the health relic
Favorite champ for aram?
14.15 Full Patch Preview
Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!
Move over GTA Online, Cyberpunk 2077 has an in-development multiplayer mod that proves its worth with a 20-player Night City | 20 players all played at once in the same Night City, as multiplayer mod CyberMP picks up momentum.