Which unknown bands/artists have you seen whose careers blew up after you saw them?
Who's also dealing with back to back lurgy at the moment?
What are some commanders that don't care about boardwipes?
What UB should WotC absolutely never make, but you would absolutely instantly buy?
Swamps in Posca Marker
Are cool alters worth doing on worthless cards?
First auction of the 2025
That’s no moon…
Second Altered card I've done
My first ever alter attempt!
Did this for my mom's commander for her birthday!
Another custom island art
Alters for Auction [Links in Comments]
What weird deck restrictions do you give yourself?
Recommendations for knee pads and toe support?
Coworker got me sick, chewed through my sick time.
Need an opinion on gaming etiquette.
Please recommend your favorite heresy in the comments, mine's the Cathar's version of reincarnation
What food is delicious in small amounts, but gross in big amounts?
Lost Disabled Persons Saltire Card
I’ve been advised by a psychologist to try and find the ‘thing’ that makes my brain go quiet/calm. What works for you?
All Permissions Set to Everyone But Site Says It Needs A Password?
What tastes so good you can’t believe it’s healthy?
putting this before the court of public opinion
I might have just broke the record for fastest diagnosis