I’m a struggling massage school student who is failing anatomy. Could really use encouragement to keep going.
Turned 50 today
Nothing but green flags
Alley Parking: Do you Back in or Pull front in?
USPS marking packages delivered when they haven’t been?
Things you can in a massage session but not on a first date....
WCGW tourists attempting not to pay for a horse and buggy ride in Dublin on St Patricks day. NSFW due to language. No actual harm.
Denon SC Live 4 or PIONEER XDJ-RR?
Reddit, do your thing! 😎😂
AITA for not wanting my 18 y.o. Co worker to go in my box and take my tools without asking?
Omg what the hell !!!
Back pain
Any problems with 2024 that were corrected for 2025?
Cutting open a microwaved egg
Good dj controller for algoriddem djay
Family flying down for the weekend... any suggestions on where I should take them?
In Boston today.
Why does my Crosstrek make clunking noises after I drive it??
Safety first
Fully nude client during session
Hitchhiker left skis in my car
Trump F*cked America's Farmers—And They're P*ssed About It.
Where can I find THC infused six packs for sale?