H: WPJS and USA Mask W: David’s Trophy
H: TFJ W: Gabe + Veggie + Guni
H: TFJ & 2x Red Asylum, W: Offers including new Glowing.
H: 20 Leaders W: 2 Pinpointers
[PS4] H:tfj tlc W: offers
H: deathclaw mask and fiend mask W: to know which rare outfit I can get Is TFJ possible to trade with it?
[PS4] H: Red asylum Nurse Outfit W: Rare apparel/Glowing Mask offers (No old glowing masks thank you!)
H: Glowing Jackalope W: Leaders or apparel offers
H: Tlc Gabe, mino, alien, demon W: apparel
H: G Abe W: FCJS + small add
H: G Bigfoot W: offers including GHB
H: Last day Glowing Jack W: Good Offers
H: tattered field jacket w: bundle of mods
Confessions of a Bobby Pun Collector ***WINNER***
Any worth in these misc?: Audreys Book, Blue Ridge Cargo, Dove Necklace, Unusual Fungus, Upgraded Motor
H: responder fireman helmet W: the price for it in leaders?
H: glowing jack W: lc + offers
H: 2 Glowing Bigfoots W: Apparel/masks (only GJack and Guni)
H: Buffoon W: Valuation
H: guni+ghb w: responders set or leaders
H: guni + wpjs W: fcjs
H: G Blue Devil W: Bulk Box mods
When your GF knows you like to cook and you like fallout 🤣🤣
[PS4] H: TFJ, also have a FCJS not pictured W: New glowing mask offers, or Leaders
[Ps4] H:Glowing Jackalope W:Best leader Or Rare Apparel Bundle(No Masks)