A guy called me beautiful
HRT has not made me happy :(
It’s absolutely incredible that people are willing to let themselves die solely over our existence.
Don’t take r/transpassing seriously
Don’t medically gaslight yourself gang!
I had to break up with my bf :(
How the heck do you get a girlfriend?!
“Cis women don’t even pass”
Why do women seem to be way more accepting than men?
I Don’t Want to Pass
I'm starting to smell better
Should you transition: the official guide!! How much is too tall/too big/too old/too much testing .
I think I'm ok with my genitalia
Am I wrong for calling out a cis woman for using the term 'bio woman' for herself in a comment section regarding trans women?
I'm REALLY sorry if this isn't the place to ask
I got called beautiful in public
I’m 6ft and feel like I’ll never pass
Can I be a girl without surgery?
Male fail?
Do women help other women get coats on?
Second day of HRT
"Use it or lose it"
TW: Transphobia: Do Not Go to r/askmenadvice
Transphobes have become too paranoid