Who do I pick from my level 40 icon pick rewards?
Am I the only one who took Firmino from lvl 40 rewards?
Worst level 40 icon pick?
Will my team still be competitive?
Guys, how screwed am I?
Is this good for ante 4?
Why does EA nerf everything except the kickoff glitch?
Auto switching defending corners is the worst - any tips on how to player lock in the area?
Is it me or has gameplay gotten much worse after the patch?
Rubber banding in rush should get you a soft ban
EA is having a laugh💀
Who did you guys get in the Champs Hero Pack? Here’s mine
“Error communicating with the EA servers” while updating my team - any way to fix this?
Suggestions for EA to make rush even better in UT? I’ll start
Rush mode is so much fun
One win away from Elite Div on rivals, do I go for it?
Gameplay jumping?
Tackling tips right now?
Is he really worth 200k ?? If you have completed pls share your review
Watching the Knicks in London
Is it just me who holds onto a bunch of these cards for no real reason?
5000 FC points is honestly disgusting
Why is she just 150k? With those fucking stats
Evo help