For those earning $150k +: what is your job?
Haven't hold a cash for a while now
Productivity Commission chair warns cutting public service won't save much money
Every generation thinks they had it the toughest, but for Gen Z, they’re probably right
Verbal offer revoked because of remote request - is this allowed?
Looking for Advice on New Boots – RMs or Alternatives?
Return to office and Govt audits
Bitter and burned out because of the way every single payrise I earn quickly gets sucked up by the ever increasing cost of living and feeling like I have to work much harder than I did a few years ago for the same percentage of disposable income for fun....
Apartment in a more desirable suburb or house in a crappier suburb?
Seeking path for APS progression
has disability support work become over saturated?
Uber eats - sneaky rort
Struggling to eat enough
Will properties ever have a cut-off limit?
AI already taking receptionist jobs in Canberra
Public servant considering further education
Does anyone actually think the ABS census vacant homes rate is false as people just weren't home for that night?
Former Woolworths boss Brad Banducci joins Ticketek owner TEG as CEO, effective from this month
Parents: Has Easter changed now the price of chocolate is so dam much, or compared tonwhen you where children?
Channel 10 - if you can’t broadcast F1 properly, without 10 adverts every 15 mins - let another platform telecast it
Modelling shows Canberra house prices will plummet at least 10% if Dutton wins the election
How do you know how much to offer on a property? For eg the agent will say the owner is looking at mid 500’s. Then you look up the property value on line and find that it’s only worth 500k. You like it but don’t want to get ripped off. In this market how much would you offer?
Good gyms for lifting around the inner north/city?
What’s are some hard pills for this sub to swallow?
What are the exception rules for WFH?