Daily figure rating and discussion #64: Scarif Stormtrooper Squad Leader
Who are the two statues in this scene?
Living next door to Alice.
Daily Song Discussion #225: Once Upon A Long Time Ago (UK All The Best version)
Not trying to start anything fight, serious question, but what was up with Linda and Peter Cox?
Daily figure rating and discussion #63: Director Krennic
Daily figure rating and discussion #62: Kylo Ren
KFC price keeps going up, quality keeps going down
The music that is popular today is hot garbage.
Daily figure rating and discussion #62: Imperial Death Trooper
Daily figure rating and discussion #61: K-2SO
Throw back to the Russo Brothers denying the title being “Endgame” in 2018
How many pints of beer do you drink a week?
Daily figure rating and discussion #60: Captain Cassian Andor (Eadu)
Daily figure rating and discussion #59: Sergeant Jyn Erso (Jedha)
Replace a word from your favorite song with cat
If they decided to make him, which one would you prefer?
Daily figure rating and discussion #58: Luke Skywalker
Did anyone else get a bit tired of all the ‘cloning’ related plots and story concepts?
Is sorry enough for you to forgive a person?
Trump says Putin has no cards in Ukraine talks, although up until Friday he did
What’s the Best Song to Fuck to?
Daily figure rating and discussion #57: Ahsoka Tano