what achievement in your 20s are you proud of the most?
Aircraft prices…
Name artist better than abel ..
Hello everyone this is the window ear guy. Earlier I was playing with my 4 year old son and noticed this.
What y’all think? Another CRJ incident
What car do you drive and what’s the monthly payment?
What’s the best physical feeling other than anything sex-related?
Happy 2025!!💥🥳What are your flying goals?
I’m 5’9. This was a 5 hour international flight on a full fare airline.
Journeyman Electricians in Austin - what do you make?
Brown Stuff Leaking from Boiler
ORD to JFK upgrade to 1st class worth it for $80?
Where should I buy my tires?
Pilots who switched careers to become a pilot. What was your job before you became a pilot?
What’s a subscription that’s actually worth the money?
What y’all think?
Chinese food recommendations?
What did you do when you got the keys?
What are the best subscriptions worth spending money on today?
What's the best live concert you've attended?
What job would you never do no matter how much money they offered you?
Date ideas that aren’t dinner or a movie?
What time does everybody start in the mornings?