Help name my tuxedo boy…it’s been a month and nothing is sticking
Esoteric and forgotten/weird anatomy that only your specialty cares about
What is the most “stab in the back” thing that happened to you in residency
Why do I have a dansko clog fetish
When you're on call, how do you answer the phone?
Anyone else have/had rapid weight loss during intern year?
Med Students should not work the Friday after Thanksgiving
Write your specialty and your favorite music genre and drink (I want to see if there's a pattern)
Sunrise/sunset/light themed name for a boy Bernese mountain dog?
Scrubs for the sweaty
How much Meal Allowance does your program offer you?
It actually happened—airplane “medical emergency” 2 weeks after graduating
Does it bother y'all that specialising takes very long
What is the worst smell you have experienced so far?
How are you guys traveling? Poor MS4.
How do I get out of jury duty?
Gunners, what is the single most prestigious residency possible and why aren't you applying for it?
Did you guys actually get to deliver babies during your OBGYN rotation?
Fiance with great taste.
I got it for my fiance, 0.25 ct. Now I read online it is too small... Should I return it and upgrade to 0.5 ct?
not giving students honors in M3 only hurts the school in the match. so why do schools continue to do it?
Orthopedic Surgeon fired for obsession with patients genitals(and an array of other charges)
How’d I do?
He did so good🥹