Your local goddess of thunder has been called to join this “subreddit”
Let’s get silly! What lighthearted or funny MVP animations would you like to see?
Amingo appreciation post 🙏
Today’s news feed accidentally revealed an upcoming track for this week
[Mixed Trope] Characters who have the powers to beat everyone, but don't
Do you believe seasonal villains will ever become playable characters?
Who is a guy you want most in DB legend
You can't spell Mario without ai
Want to enter the story/franchise unspoiled? Good luck pal. (mostly because of how iconic/memeable the moments became)
Day #6: Game Baths was considered the weirdest episode by the majority. So, what's the most forgettable episode of Scott The Woz?
Say what you want about mk, but their guest characters are always done well
DC x Marvel Amalgam Day 24: Who would you combine with Captain Atom (Most commented character gets chosen, no one can be chosen twice) (Most powerful power couple ever) (Do you guys want another batch)
The old episode were wild (and much worse)
Remember when people thought this season was gonna be wrestling themed?
Fanarts that became memes
What's your unpopular dbl take
Are the scalies happy now?
Here's a Little cursed thing i made
Which DB has the worst Thumbnail
Is there a specific gag that makes you laugh everytime you rewatch the episode?
It's insane how a State Farm commercial has an insanely comic accurate Joker who also looks like The Man Who laughs (the inspiration for the character) Gunn needs to hire whoever made this commercial for the DCU
Why I don’t even bother with mods anymore (still want DLC tho)
At this point, Invincible will most definitely have a chance to be in 3
Death Battle has many iconic lines but from your point of view which is the most iconic one? If there are enough I could even make a tournament out of them
what are you hoping the next campaign is