How do you have energy to do stuff after work?
The sound of onions frying
Onion asmr
Costco in Philly
Any advice for marvel comp?
Can people just not make rude comments…
Sick babe gets soup guts (broth served separately)
BF of 5 yrs waiting for my "communication to improve" to get engaged.
who/what got you into gaming?
Baby FINALLY took a bottle of formula - and now the guilt hit me
Games like old Nancy Drew games?
How to get my 9mo chunky?
unhappiness because of desi cultural norms
Looking for “gremlin food” (liver, bone marrow, oxtail, oysters, sardines, snails, chicken feet, raw meat, offal…etc) in Philly.
GUYS, after years of saving I finally got a STEAM DECK!
I got it!
It sucks when friend groups don’t work out
I know this is fucked up but I bought 6 months worth of formula.
Is it true that lots of Americans don't own a kettle?
late lunch with a date
It took me as a late millennial up till my early 30s to realize why ABCDs hate FOBs.
Can any other moms of teeny weeny little baby boys tell me it’s fine…
Are there any other moms who aren't the default parent?