That's a lot of money
Reuters: Trump plans to revoke legal status of Ukrainians who fled to US, sources say
And what do you classify as illegal, sir?
Stand Up for Science in Indy Next Friday
Worried About Trump’s Attacks on Democracy? Join Students4Democracy
Anti trump protests
Looking for members! - Students4Democracy
The YooYeon promotion is not as bad as you think + MODHAUS capitalism
If only the city had a mass transit system to make this man’s life easier
We should organize our own January 6th
Housing Lottery
IndyGo’s Purple Line launches between Indianapolis and Lawrence
A neighborhood in Columbus, Ohio has streets and a few buildings named after locations on the fictional Island of Sodor.
Fuck BoilerBookings…
Proof That Cycling Works... Even in North America
Urbanist Club of Purdue Callout!
Had to miss classes today because every single C lot was full
LSD 9:38am 8/15/2024
Global Protect Client breaking RDP connections?
GraphQL for Blazor Server?
What's going on with Naperville real estate??
Is kubernetest worth it?
Elon Musk exposed the hypocrisy of Biden's immigration policy.
Insane stats on Miami traffic deaths