Advice on getting into the vet field?
Good recipes for a friend going through a tough time
I kinda felt off seeing a post about pregnant rat dissected .. kinda doubting if I'd be a good fit for vet school..
Give me some bad adult advice 🫡 or what's the worst advice someone has given YOU
Did taking undergrad human anatomy class help make vet school anatomy any easier?
Ra-Ra-Rasputin 🎶🎵
What’s a common myth/ misconception about veterinary school?
Hobbies to Build Upper Body/Arm Strength
Does completing your bachelors in 3 years look bad on an application?
where to watch in UK?
Intradermal or IM rabies vaccine for vet students
IWTL how to meditate
Where do you get your journals?
Imposter Syndrome
What are some mentally exhausting hobbies
Hiking at sunset
What is your nervous habit?
Are ya ready kids?
First time sardine eating
This can't be real... Right?
I gave a huge snowball to a small kid
What song's stuck in your head right now?
Do years of experience as an animal tech matter for vet school at all?
To foreigners: What was something about Taiwan or Taiwanese culture that you completely misunderstood when you first arrived?