By Oliver Wetter []
My new baby. Meet "Ghost"
Jbl better sponsor
Happy birthday to me (bye bye air dam)
Replacing Chrome Grille/Bumper on 2015 Tacoma
Let the salt flow
Box set for city of night
Goodwill find
"I'm in danger..."
What's your go to snow day album?
Kaida is definitely working on a shed 😆 🤣 ghost skull here ❤️
Took this while taking care of my friend's bearded dragon
Kaida says thanks friends 🧡 🦎🐉
What's the best lighting for a bearded dragon at night? Heated red light? Or no lighting? Opinions thoughts?
Fire in the sky 1993
Christmas haul <3
This is legitimately the only way to play...
Good afternoon from Kaida!
Meet Kaida our newest family member ❤️
Mikael's pleasure from getting Dream Theater's debut on vinyl.
My first Acid Bath song i ever listened to was Scream of the butterfly and that's when I knew I was in love....this whole album ❤️🤌
Anyone hear 'like moonlight' by dax?
Toast of Perdition
It's bread.....
Wholesome feels