What’s the worst area of law for a paralegal?
What did your husband wish he had when you gave birth?
I want the tea ☕️
Contract work in Dallas
Please tell me I will have more energy after birth
I was fooled, tricked, bamboozled. I'm so tired.
How long did you push?
How old is your baby and how many times a night do they wake to feed?
Do you think it's realistic to earn six figures as a paralegal?
Has anyone ever actually got a good deal buying secondhand?
Whats a universally loved food that you secretly think is trash?
How do I put in my two weeks when I’m the only paralegal?
Someone please help her 😭
How long did you wait before you took your baby out?
Don’t trust MIL to watch the baby.
Anyone else quit after they realized they don’t want to leave their baby??
What does ‘feed on demand’ look like to you? I’ll start..
Diaper changing question for parents with little boys
Contact lens wearers - how are you handling MOTN?
Parents of babies less than 6 months, are you always in the room while your LO sleeps?
Taking a poll. Do you use a sleep sack for your baby?
SHOES: Inside, outside, on furniture, on couches, on beds, at dinner tables. IS THIS NORMAL IN THE US???
For those of you who have cut out dairy due to possible intolerance/allergy
Is my 8 week old eating too much?!
Back to work and I hate it