Richmond, VA today. Deafening boos as VA governor exits a Patrick Henry Reenactment
Talk me out of a Beretta A300 Ultima Patrol
PSA - Herter's Target 9mm Ammo Does Not Work Well In A PC Carbine
[Request] Approximately how large was the font size before and after?
From zero to hero: A guide from a 48 year old lib with some tips for anyone starting out or on the fence
[Request] how much does a Hershey’s kiss wrapper weigh in ounces?
[Request] the odds of getting Wordle correct on 1st try using same word daily vs. using a different word each day (details within)
CCW options...Shield vs Glock 43
Holster, help needed.
Anyone else have a ShotLock? What do you think?
What is the most idiotic thing you have done that resulted in a scarred/blemished/broken gun? Name thy sins
Does accuracy with iron sights on a pistol mean anything for long guns?
PCC itch has been scratched
Basic Springfield Echelon
Question about NY pistol permit in relation to being prescribed controlled substances
Most efficient way to remove seasoning without causing too much damage??
AOE Ph.D. Offer Delayed Due to Federal Funding Uncertainty
Benelli SuperNova - This thing is finally coming together.
The most fun way to be liberal with your bullets.
Pistol caliber carbines? Looking for advice
Gun safes
Assuming when using a 3x magnifier
Trump threatens to send American citizens to El Salvador prison for Tesla vandalism