How long til get banned???
Any good creature mods (passive, neutral, hostile) for 1.21.4 that anyone knows of?
Any good creature (passive, neutral, hostile) mods for 1.21.4 that anyone knows of?
Good mods to add to a vanilla world that’s already beaten without making it too modded?
i asked chat gpt to roast the current state of kdot sub
H: 1 Leader W: Whatever 1 leader can get me
Biodegradation of polyester polyurethane by endophytic fungi
I’ve decided to make my undergraduate senior seminar on plastic eating fungi - Very excited for this!
I’ve decided to make my undergraduate senior seminar on plastic eating fungi
Dear Bethesda: I would give up my left nut if it meant you figured out how to let us modify and repair in power armor
Comment as if you live in The Wasteland
Fasnacht Question
H: 190 Bone Shards W: 2 Caps per
[XB1] H: 60 Canned Dog Food. W: Cap Offers
H: 60 Canned Dog Food. W: Cap Offers
[XB1] H: 38 Calmex, 32 Day Tripper, 27 Fury, 35 Glowing Blood. W: Cap Offers (you don’t have to buy them all as a bundle)
H: 38 Calmex, 32 Day Tripper, 27 Fury, 35 Glowing Blood. W: Cap Offers (you don’t have to buy them all as a bundle)
So i have listened to all kanye albums except Late registration and vultures 2, latter i wont listen to.but i wanna listen to Lr and its scary , please tell me something good about it so that i feel inspired to listen to it
H: 25 Glowing Blood W: Caps, 15 per
Ameoba looks like the 🤌 emoji
Fallout 76 is so unoptimized
Fallout 76 player bounty (yes ill pay you)
not your average fasnacht gripe