Everyone must really wanna play Monoma early... (I won against hackers!) PC
This character should get buffs for season 10(Technical Dabi)
What if the season one crew survived
Secret Ending, Season 2 Kenny and Clementine after entering Wellington
Why are final circles with 7 teams or such disliked?
Which special action do you think is the most unused/under used?
i don’t belong in expert
This is revenge for how many times a Hawks and a Dabi have killed me in previous seasons... 😈
Nice Try Froppy😈 Don't let this be you losing to someone at low levels 36HP crazy😂
Making some possible special tunnings for future quirk skill sets.
Alright fellas tell me what moment makes you think "YOU TOO CAN BECOME A HERO"
When is tbagging acceptable?
Why TF this building do this
Let’s play a game!
What rolls are we expecting next season?
Kurogiri ruined such a good combo.
Does anyone else think that Lilly should be more of an option to side with instead of Kenny?
Ochaco is a goat if you play her like a support
Bandai nerf her again please!!!
I just want to know how?
At this point they should release Monoma because I'm sick of these hackers! [PC]
I cannot stand Ava
Ochaco doesn't need a nerf to her HP
Uraraka-mains, I love you guys
Top 5 things will(most likely)never come to MHUR