This hotel I'm staying at looks like a drill bit.
This building in Bahrain has three wind turbines.
El Capitan Sunset, Yosemite Valley, CA [5333 x8000] [OC]
🔥 Took this while on Tioga Pass this past week when the moon was below the horizon and Yosemite had a managed burn 🔥
Where Can I Find rare and unique Heinz Sauce Packets in California??
Update: I didn't learn my tile pattern lesson from last time...
What ruins a burger ?
People who got cheated on, what were the early signs indicating that your partner might do it before they actually cheated?
Realized at 3:40am after tiling for 4 days that I messed up the pattern in one small area...
What are you starting to love more as you get older?
Boston Dynamics' Atlas walking, running, crawling, cartwheeling and breakdancing
Wanting to use white caulk that won't shrink or yellow - recommendations?
Some money shots
Must be a good printer!
Cutting Board
What's one thing a therapist has said to you that you will never forget?
Wet saw porcelain blade used for glass tile?
Some Scottish people can't say Purple burglar alarm
M12 Hammer Drill melted
Made a custom pullout spice rack for my cabinet.
Made a pullout spice rack for my cabinet to help see stuff better.
Anyone in Oakland Home Depot around 2pm smelling heavy chemicals near the tile section today?