Druddigon is the single worst thing to happen to TCG pocket
It’s Been Almost 10 Years
Souls-like titles I have played and my ranking of them
Caedrel disagrees with reddit that peak Faker = auto win
My Vision for the Next Wugtrio Metadeck
"Hey, can I copy your homework?" "Sure, just change it a little"
Thoughts on a Glaceon only deck.
NAVI in negotiations to acquire Rogues LEC Spot
New most annoying supporter dropped
Will Dale start a family with a new girl and become a family man or will he always be known as a deadbeat who left his daughter?
Patriot removes a Tesla logo from his car and has done the same for others
Petah, Please Help
Why cant Baus just buy Randuin's? Double ADC
What’s the threshold to be considered a whale?
Finally Completed Mythical Island!
25 card decks?
Am I just extremely unlucky?
Los Ratones Shirt peeling
Path of the Damned for 1st Playthrough?
Fun Darkrai/Poison Deck
Asmon is a 34 yo boomer dad
"Why is a White guy playing an Egyptian?"
Is a gyrados or charzard deck easier to play
started today and unlocked dialga ex