Who do you think the 2K Showcase mode should be about in WWE 2K26? I'll start
Nick Khan in WWE HQ watching New Jack throw Vic Grimes off the balcony to the floor and picking up the phone IMMEDIATELY
dexter is too jacked
This was literally me after reading the patch notes.
Nubia's OG model for when she was a WW variant from Alpha
Would Multiversus still be alive and kicking if they'd gone with Disney?
Paramount reportedly wants to expand the Dexter franchise in a way similar to how Yellowstone has grown with multiple spin-offs and prequels, additional spinoffs and prequels are being considered
How do you feel about Iron Fist’s “rework”
People need to stop flaming DPS for having a bad score in the first 1-2 minutes of the game
Act like Payday 3 released in it's current state today. All DLC aside from Jacket included in base game.
What will be even point in picking up Iron Man anymore?
Oh Please 🙄
This will be the third year in a row that Uncle Howdy is a DLC character.
I haven't seen one for this guy yet so here is my concept for a Purple Man Strategist
Bugs Bunny players be like:
TNA Champion Joe Hendry wants a TNA DLC for WWE 2K
If you had to choose only 5 more character additions to close out the game which characters would you want to see?
since we re all gonna die, Say your most sincere opinion about anything in the game
Why RGG why? why our boy KIryu couldnt get a happy ending like this?
Jason best fits the Lantern ring of Death! Who do you think best represents Life? (DC characters are not allowed).
The Iron Giant best fits the Lantern ring of Hope! Who do you think best represents greed? (DC characters are not allowed). (You can't comment "Player First Games" or "Warner Bros." Jokes because those have been done to death and they're just not funny anymore)
Would you like to see Leatherface?
I had a dream last night that The Thing released and his entire kit was centered around driving a van.
Marvin best fits the Lantern ring of Rage! Who do you think best represents Hope? (DC characters are not allowed)
Banana Guard has won the eight entry, who's a Low Tier Low Skill Character?