Is this the best jersey of the season 24/25?
Is this legit?
Sobre o ouvinte stalker fanático e o mini-caos aqui no sub…
Does anybody knows if it’s a real kit?
Football Shirt March Madness - Manchester City vs. Corinthians
O ouvinte stalker fanático pelo João Ubaldo Ribeiro que invadiu o estúdio… Exposed.
Can you post funny fake shirts in the comments?😅 I haven’t seen any other thread about this!
Assado de tira (banderita)
Terno rei
deveria ser proibido criticar o magal no chat, pelo bem do programa
Locadora Blockbuster Abandonada
Jogadores do seu rival que você gosta/respeita
Tarde grupo, isso aqui é gorpi?
YouTube video about a near death experience - Waterwheel
Rant: I'm sorry, but Jakks distribution is genuinely ass outside of the US.
Why did they stop making the hard boiled heavies?
For those those asking if a jersey is real/fake:
After being jealous of everyone else’s Burlington hauls, found this beauty today
Is that legit?
How do you organize your jerseys? I have about 60 jerseys in my closet plus about 50 more not hung up. Bunch of different clubs and countries jerseys and I just randomly put them in there and I’ve decided to organize them but I don’t know how.
My collection so far 😎
Any Kits similar to this one?
Is this good or fake?
What’s a figure you think deserves a remake the most?