[MOD] The Daily Question Thread
[MOD] The Official Deal Thread
Coffee app like Vivino?
Wine Tasting Events … but for coffee
chemex - how many rounds of water
[USA-NJ] [H] Aeropress with bamboo organizer and prismo [W] Venmo, Paypal
Best Offline Melee Mod?
[USA - CA, SoCal] Lavazza espresso plus coffee machine.
Prayer Request Thread - Week of the Second Sunday in Lent
Question from a Catholic (pls read. Not a normal question, to my knowledge)
[USA WA] (H) PayPal (W) Comandante C40 MK4
The Episcopal Church USA - Question/Comments
[MOD] What have you been brewing this week?/ Coffee bean recommendations
[US - NY] [H] 1zpressojx Pro [W] cash/paypal/venmo
I made a lil' documentary about Marth's History featuring Zain, PPU, and more.
Questions on liturgy and orders of service from an Anglo-Catholic perspective, particularly aimed at clergy.
Is >weekly< communion generally necessary?
Why did John Henry Newman convert to Catholicism?
[MOD] Inside Scoop - Ask the coffee industry