3 ranked games in a row we get stuck in the spawn selection screen after switching sides in the 4th round this is game breaking and needs a fix asap its
3 ranked games in a row we get stuck in the spawn selection screen after switching sides in the 4th round
Is this RB Theo?
The Big 3 of Every Era
If you see these player mass report them for griefing, TK, flashes, Flores and throwing the round
Why can't I report a console player for using the N-word in voice chat?
What teams better?
Dinho Magic Evolution (900FP or 100000 Coins)
What did you get for Black Friday?
Haaland dribbles like a cupboard - who else can I use up front?
Ash R4-C
No pre season rewards today as promised then?
Pre Order Ultimate Edition Hero
Please help i am losing my mind
Y9S1 Laser Sight: Equip or Skip?
Why does nobody play tachanka?
I have never seen so many people confused about how to clean a monitor
Resident Evil Village is 3 years old today! How do you feel about this game looking back 3 years later?
Guess who just got moved down to respectable.
3 speed? no. Assault rifle? no. Silent step? no. Like come on, at 30 seconds they can make this ability last forever and still won't make her viable. Even though cams are a unique aspect of siege, sound is so powerful and reliable that people never need to watch cams.
Can anyone tell me why people say that “Iq is a very situation op”?. Cause from my experience she’s useful is every match I’ve played. She kinda soft “counters” all defenders and her commando is really good. (Btw I rarely play ranked so this is coming from standard and quick play)
I’m At My Breaking Point.
First Time Playing RDR2
[OFFICIAL] UFC 300 Live Discussion Thread