You guys have GOT to start sticking up for yourselves when it comes to violent children.
How come women can control their sexual urges better than men despite having the same level of sex drive?
What are the reasons a childfree man wouldn't want a vasectomy?
In your opinion, what princess(es) had the best singing voice?
which scene in which movies were the most disturbing to watch as a kid?
Does anyone else feel like they HAVE to kill themselves because otherwise you're letting the people around you down?
I feel like my suicide is inevitable
What’s the one anxiety physical symptom you have consistently which doesn’t go away?
CMV: Parents have no idea how bad screen time is for their kids and it’s going to bite them in the a$$
What are some struggles women face in dating that men may not always understand?
Help with STARTING a project with CMYK colours
I'm exhausted & frustrated at the availability of antidepressants in Australia & the PBS
Taylor - attends the 67th Annual Grammy Awards at Arena in Los Angeles, CA - 1/2/25
at which point does misandry start?
To what extent do you remember your least favorite subject in school?
The day I realized no one was thinking about me as much as I thought, was the day I started actually living
Dear conservatives, I am transgender and I just want to be happy.
Irritation around vaginal entrance
Daughter’s first period
I think I found the one: Luke Eisner as DLM
Why do women not work more blue collar trade jobs?
Women who have survived at jobs that make them deeply unhappy and anxious, how do you do it?
AITAH for wanting to have kids and a family? GF left after marriage proposal.
Eyedropper tool only picks lighter versions of my chosen colours?