Note the most excellent forward weapons as demonstrated by the Corporal.
Commandant Nebula stares in utter disbelief as I give Thor chin scritches. How DARE the staff not be attending to her every whim! Never mind that the staff can't actually REACH where she's sitting...
The Corporal shows his most excellent teefs. The Mewtenant does not care...
Purralegal Gamora checks the fit of an oversized bandolier, AKA my belt.
Londo Mewllari contemplates the nature of his next bit of diplomatic effort while Catizen G'Kar realizes that Londo is napping right next to him. Shenanigans ensued.
Bubbi isn't carrying his beloved dinosaurio, but he is cuddling it....
The Corporal has taken to concealing himself whilst on avian sentry duty.
I thought it had been a while since you've seen Shadow in live action. Here you go!
The Ret. General will hold on to his spot on the hooman boy's lap... no matter what.
After another proud delivery I came back to find Shadow giving Stinky Ducky a bath! π€£π€£ FINALLY! ππͺΆπββ¬
Cpl Greybeard got caught sleeping on the job and tried to play it off as him practicing Martial Arts...
Silver being very sneaky
endo recs
"No commander, we are absolutely not bapbapbap-ing each other..." the squad, probably.
The Mewtenant is most grateful to the hooman commander for assisting mouse hunt training.
Ambassador Londo Mewllari would like to protest the existence of Mondays in the strongest sense. He would add in Daylight Savings Time, but our state doesn't observe it.
I've heard that #madstella belongs here...
Show me your black-nosed tuxies! (Bonus for goatees too)
The hooman provided the Corporal with some extra doses of a potent hallucinogen.
"Corporal, this is how we asks nicely for treats", Ret. General Solly, probably.
SC and NC maternity leave
The Squad completed a mission to the med bay today for regular checkups.
The last Harpo video was actually the first part of a series where a stuffie pile follows me all over the house for 48 hours, which I didn't finish editing.
Epic Harpo Heist Part 1.5 of 7
No Stinky Duckies were harmed in the making of this post! Actually, probably a little bit harmed...
Update 2 (Final Update): AITA for embarrassing my daughter and getting movie day canceled?