What is a good alternative to Reese’s?
What is weird conspiracy theory you 100% believe in?
I have a new appreciation for how awful Isobel must have felt dealing with Many West
Wicked movie thoughts superthread
Are there any notable (film) composers who didn't go through music school?
What’s a song that’s hard to get right?
Repeating the same word in a lyric
What’s the biggest conspiracy theory you believe in 100% and nobody can change your mind?
What would an average day in the life look like for an unmarried woman (but not spinster age) living in an english port town in the 18th century?
Day in the life for an unmarried woman in 18th century city
Any nonlinear musicals?
Change one letter of a musical
Too much dialogue in a song? How many songs is too many?
Admiral black box
How To Make A Musical Scary?
Inception: I actually know what Inception was supposed to be about.
Should I listen to critiques or not?
What’s a lyric change that you dislike
How to communicate telepathy onstage?
A guided pathway to self-study orchestration?
What is that one food item that the world loves, but you absolutely hate having it?
That’ll be enough of that! Mr Campbell, you and I are going to address that insult.
An Anti-"I want" Song
Why did American English keep "gotten" while British English stop using it?
What are the reasons that Katy Perry lost her popularity in a short period of time?