Depressed people of Reddit, what gives you the will to live, or helped you regain the will to live, if anything?
cmv: A sandwich is two pieces of bread with something in between.
Talk me out of buying a Metalzone
Boss LS-2 or OBNE Signal Blender
What's the greatest guitar solo of all time?
What pedals should I buy?
metalcore guitar pedals
Any metal pedals recommendations?
Help me pick 3 from these "regular" sized overdrives!
NPD which one do I keep?
Need Help figuring out an AB/Y set up.
Help me pick 3 out of these!
ToneX One vs. Neural DSP
Reverb pedal
Tonex & what fx pedal ?
Would This Work? Mixing IRs from Stereo into Mono
How would your order a Wampler Moxie, Wampler Pantheon Deluxe, and EP Booster?
New board setup for 2025!
NPD SOTB DOD Carcosa fuzz
4 New Pedals - Review of Pedals - little bit long
I’m still waiting on that Tonex Two to be announced
NPD: Keeley 30ms. The chorus I’ve been looking for
Multipurpose light-ish drive for guitar and bass?
Universal Audio amp sims or Helix/Cortex/Kemper?
Whats the Most Underrated Guitar Pedal You've ever used?