If your Setup isn't 3D you are missing out.
Easy mode with no remorse.🥹🎮
Unpopular Saw opinions.
What's a Movie That Blew You Away But no one Talks About??
If you could add one non-Marvel character to Rivals, who would you pick?
Are ya winning Squirrel?
Main sub roasting me alive bros
My girlfriend is creating Challengers in Sim 4; she nailed Tory, especially from the side!
How are we feeling about these?
Squirrel Girl Ult Nerf
Squirrel girl needs a re work or hard nerf. This shouldn't be possible in this game
Squirrel girl ult needs a nerf
So i received a suspension but the time it expires is my current time and date?
Why does 3D get so much hate?
I Miss Sex
The name is Instakill and don't you forget it
Clarification on the Knock Out change. This is actually kind of nutty. Before it was niche but now it feels like it will be super strong in a lot of scenarios.
Dev update March 25
They killed Xenomorph
It's been 5 years since the game release, and we're still discussing the controversy. Given the time that's passed, how would you rate it now, from 1 to 10?
How is my blacksmith build
Mouse icon = cheating
DoltsAlwaysCheat and 2015.
Who Goes There? #bearnest #brodytheboston