Feel free to critique what you see (5’7, 160lb)
1 year progression 127lbs to 144lbs How I did it & advice
Honest opinions pls
5 months gym progress
165vs195 6’1 Which is better
36, 4 kids, and in the best shape of my life
Cut or bulk help!!
Will my abs get more symmetrical as i train them or am i cooked?
Judge my current split
what do girls think about a physique like this?
Rate this physique. M/31/182lb Natural
thoughts on my body?
Where would you take a solo vacation?
¿Bulk, Cut or Mantain?
Just a guy who loves fitness
Went from hating leg day to loving it
Which area to focus on next?
19F 130lbs seeking advice
Looking to be jacked but feminine, what do I improve?
34M, 5’8”, 149 lbs, Lifetime Natural – Seeking Constructive Feedback on Physique
54kg to 72kg. Continue bulk?
Lost Gains : Muscle Memory?
Physique looking okay, the lightest I’ve ever been @ 85kg (184cm)
25 years old. About 180 lbs. trying to get shredded before summer