Something's bothering me about nicknames
Would you have liked it if Tali was more alien like or do you prefer the more human design we got?
AITA for refusing to give my pregnant ex-fiancée money after she left me for another man?
Who is the stupidest person you know, and why?
Underrated "Quest" mods........ GO.........
i finally did it 😭😭😭
Photo of John Cena in ‘06
What store would you want to be locked in overnight?
Most played game on steam, how many hours, and why?
What’s a common lie people tell themselves to feel better?
AITAH for telling my friend she can’t bring her boyfriend to my housewarming because I don’t like him?
What should I NOT touch in Ordinator?
which one
Is it wrong to be on your phone when watching a movie with your other half?
People who live alone, be honest, do you make your bed every day? If so, why? If not, why not?
What is, in your opinion, the best written character?
AITA I found out my sister isn't our dad's bio kid and I'm not telling her?
AITA for kicking my grandpa out of his own birthday party after he insulted me for being gay?
Which movie title becomes the most ridiculous when you add “& the Chocolate Factory” to the end of it?
AITA for calling my friends "every pony?"
What are the best video games stories? No spoilers please.
AIW for setting boundaries and not helping my ex
My bf permanently brain damaged someone and didn’t go to jail
Am I the only one that hates having followers?