Let’s build our own Godzilla War Roster (Rules below)
You can also add a setting (you can just say eg: fantasy or a fandom works too), hero or villian, etc. Any extra info to make it more attuned and personalized!
Name A Color, Object/Item, Creature, And Finally One Of Whatever You Want, Then I'll Combine Them All Together To Make A Super-Suit For You To Use, (And Bonus, First Reply Get's To Decide How The Suit Work's/Function's)....
What's Godzilla in for?
Choose 1 Basic, 2 Complex, and 1 Legendary element, and I’ll give you a unique power
How many Night Feeders and Screaming Deaths would it take to take down Orga and SpaceGodzilla?
Guess the kaijus I made out of pipe cleaners
Best godzilla movie
1954 version is better
What's your opinion on Super Godzilla?
Who made this
Give me your Godzilla memes and I won’t do anything
Choose two elements plus one object of you liking I will make you a personalized superpower
Pick any two letters in the alphabet and a main element and I'll give you your power. I might not get to them allonce it gets past 100 and there might be duplicates.
So are most of the Godzilla’s weak points their backs/dorsal plates?
Such a great bit.
Marching into the server like:
If Godzilla got the “Space Ghost Coast to Coast” / “Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law” treatment, which characters would you be most excited about, and what would be their roles?
I need power ideas!
How many degrees of separation is your favorite character, fictional or not, from Godzilla.
Who wins?
POV: when you see a blue light flashing through your submarine, so you look through a window to see what it is
Hypothetical: You are asked to design the moveset for an Eeveelution fighter where each color option is a different character (like Bowser Jr.). How do you do it?
What would a female Godzilla be called?