Scots [the language] will struggle to be taken seriously unless we grasp thistle
Is there any song?
What profession would you never date?
Does anyone remember when supermarkets had those big suction pipes that cashiers put money into? Or have completely made it up?
Why I refuse to blame my husband who stabbed our teenage daughter to death in a 'playfight' and want him released from prison
How can we achieve peace in the world?
White House ignores verbal order from judge
What makes the pattern on the mountain side?
Why does everyone have a different threshold for swearing?
Did the 9/11 terrorists know the towers would collapse?
Violent Rapist Conor McGregor holding a press conference in the White House
US to return to burning coal for energy.
President Musk posing with the rapist Conor McGregor in the White House
How to politely decline flirting?
How do people learn how to use all the functions of different library’s?
Coriolis Noob Hammers Pro Max Ultra Gen2.1 Ti Super
British towns that buy the biggest sex toys.
Settle a debate. What do you call this? Where you can find one?
'Hutton Orbital' ACTUALLY dethroned, 'Omega' no longer the farthest station in the bubble!
I have chosen a side
People who have stopped going to church, what made you stop?
real-world project ideas in C
Man tortured women in the dungeon of his remote castle - and isn’t jailed
Pro-life protesters begin 40-day lent protest near Glasgow clinic
AIO for not quitting the gym because my boyfriend told me to