Какая черта характера вас отталкивает от человека?
Как забить на чужое мнение и насмешки?
Насколько долго вы могли не выходить из дома?
What have they done??????? (Note this is a joke)
Is anyone else dealing with medical issues as a result of the abuse?
Лучшие люди
How has it changed your appearance?
why do people make me question my worth?
What are your top 3 expenses as a young adult?
Кем вы работаете и какая у вас зарплата?
почему ненависть существует
Just Doma, Nothing Wrong Here
If Nezuko was an UM
Douma's good will
Which existing blood demon art would you want to have?
Do you feel like that with age you want to spend less time with people and prefer solitude and nature ?
Why is Douma hated so much?