New comic about hospital bills [OC]
One of those days
Thats a big spot zone
Which one of these 3 would win in an all out fight?
The new AI prompts remind me of something
Who chooses the pictures for reddit feed?
Which Warbond for a new Diver?
Colonists not doing research
Fighting the illiminate on level 10 is a movie every time
Sick of those sappers going around my Killbox so I built my base inside my killbox.
Is this towel red or orange? I have been arguing about that for 30 minutes
How to reduce prision breaks?
Work I did over a while ago.
rate the base (yes ik it has no defense)
If SEAF have MG-43s why don't they just shoot the Illuminate when they invade? Are they stupid?
Don't mind me, just filling my daily Squid hate quota.
What would you like to see in the future of H2?
In my opinion..
What's your go to combo?
Damn those dittos
is there a community name for the rock where super samples spawn?
Yo did the Black hole go back?
In defense of super helldives
How to buff weaker boosters?
My squid build