Just started the game, Is there anything I should know about?
"DaRK sOulS 2 iS A gAnk FeSt"
Bro fuck this thing.
This guy will go down as one of the worst champions of all time.
Whats your favorite sorcerie/miracle/pyromancy?
Really?! Unskippable fucking credits?
Good bye Platinum
Giant Lord
Why are so many players scared of getting invaded?
What's on my Code Vein 2 wishlist?
yeah, this isn't infuriating
Anyone know if these are real or fake?
What's are some game's that you play to relax
How to level up fast early in ds2
Dear Souls veteran society, please accept my humble resignation
New to Ds2
If you could change or modify anyboss what would you do differently?
So I’m wrapping up my first playthrough on ds1 and I’m about to start ds2 sotfs. I’ve heard rough things about ds2. So I’d like to know what you guys personally love about this game?
Aldia’s Keep Bonfire #2 Ascetic
Lucatiel Quest
What Dark Souls game has the best OST? Imo it’s Dark Souls 1
Bonfire Ascetics worth it?
Tell me what is the weirdest class in any souls game and why is the Explorer... What can I do with it?