Just curious, are you all going to become ghouls? If so, what makes you want to play as a ghoul?
Who else loves blowing up cars from a vertibird?
On a technicality jet makes 3 caps to make. I'm speechless. (Fertilizer costs 1 and plastic aswell, two fertilizer and one plastic, you can't rlly buy them individually but technically 3 caps to make.)
My yarn catches a lot when frogging, which makes it take ages...
Any body know any good spots for a mothman church?
How do you manage Minutemen settlements/quests in survival? Can you get to settlements under attack in time?
What do y'all do when you want to redo a settlement?
Burned Books Summerville
Anyone else purposefully avoid completing "Reunions" so the commonwealth isn't cluttered with Vertibirds?
Given Fishing and Canned Foods are coming, would you want to see Hunting/Farming given attention to contribute to the consumable trade?
Genuinely what is the rarest backpack skin in Fallout 76? I see A LOT of princess backpacks
Kiddie kingdom is hard as f how did y'all finish it (survival run)
Anybody else deck out Settlers?
Why aren’t hotels disclosing their deposit policy on the company website?
How often do you listen to the radio?
Why won't Wiseman give me a quest to allow my to allow me access to their settlement?
Do Ghouls need Starched Genes?
Tips that should be obvious but don't feel obvious?
Any junk that I should keep outta the workshop that I may want/need later?
Best possible pipe layouts
Vanity mirror/sink
On vacation and broke my hook😭😭
Monster Mash Mask
Anyone else sick of companions pointing out hoarding tendencies???
What are some examples of "Wow, the devs actually thought of this" that caught your attention while playing a game?