Google Ai has a hard time saying nice things about men
Baby Baphomet 🧡🩷
what choices that you see people making with their lives that you would never make?
What’s a telltale sign someone just had sex ?
what’s my sexuality if i am nonbinary and more attracted to other nonbinary people and transgender people?
Why do people care so much about looks when they aren't in our control?
What’s the most unexpected thing that turned you on?
a serious question for native english speaking people.
i do not feel ok
What is the best country outside USA to migrate to as a professional in IT with a master degree and 8 years of experience (Looking to start a family so great education and safety are a must)?
How old are you and what basic skill are you not able to learn?
My everyday full beat
what makes you feel that society is being unfair to your gender?
"You are so stuck in your own world"
Why do your eyes roll *back* but never forward?
What country would you live in if there were no language barriers and no money restrictions?
Redditors who feel lonely, How was your day?
How do you think the internet has changed the way we form opinions?
What do you think is attractive in a woman?
Recently out, and clothing questions
What’s a superpower that seems awesome at first but would actually be a nightmare?
How it feels having sex ?
What do you think about God?