French MEP demands the US 'give us back the Statue of Liberty' | A French member of the EU parliament has called for the return the Statue because the US no longer represents the values that led France to offer the statue.
We are at 103 events and growing! We have events from everything to sending postcards to Trump to protests continuing throughout March. This is the People's Movement. We will REMOVE corrupt politicians, REVERSE the damage, and RECLAIM our democracy.
Settle a debate. What do you call this? Where you can find one?
Is Essex a good representation of England? I am Spanish, i don't know if I'm living in the right place.
Brick Lane, London
What feelings does this video evoke in British people? (Not a Brit asking)
MAGA relative is pissed at Trump
Trump being recruited as a Russian asset since the 1980's. Very interesting read....
My 85 year old dad wrote this.
Original by Gary Larson
I asked Farage supporters what they want and the answers were alarming
98 MP’s versus 5 MP’s
Farage and the Russians
As fast as that?
My husband got the boot.
Led By Donkeys (@ledbydonkeys) on Threads
Very sad...
New York goes 5 days without a shooting
Fascist Leader To Undercover Informant: I Exposed The British Far-Right
Thanks Nazi Nation. Idiots
Entitled farmers block traffic yet again. Disgusting, just pay your tax, you're already on a ridiculously good screw from the taxpayers. The rise only matters to less than 50 or so farmers in the whole of the UK. This is foreign interference.