What’s something you’d like to get for your next birthday?
Do you ever have a song stuck in your head when starting playtime? If so, which?
Have you ever broken up with or stopped seeing someone over bad sex/ sexually related skills?
If you were married but stuck in space with someone of the opposite sex. Would you mess around or stay faithful?
Should the "blur NSFW pictures" also include profile pictures? Why/Why not?
Okay, do you guys brush your teeth before or after breakfast ?
When you shower, do you face the water or away from it?
Spring is coming... What's your favorite clothing that will be showing once the jackets come off?
Does emotional connection make physical intimacy more intense?
Do people really fake it? Why
How did you last have an orgasm alone?
China VPN?
How's everyone's Monday going?!
What do you do when you had been hitting it off with someone over the reddit chat but they leave you hanging because of the timezone difference?
Elimination game: Liv is out, who's next?
Do you enjoy coaching and teaching things during sex?
Why would Esther make vampires weak to werewolves?
What is your opinion about open relationship?
That last comment gave me chills
TVD Tournament: Part 5
UPDATE: So we did it.
Do you think people "accidentally" touch your butt?
People with large dildo collections, do you actually enjoy all of them? Do you use more than one, or do you stick to your favorite? Why?
Girls how true is the gray sweatpants thing because my girlfriend was like talking about how crazy me in gray sweatpants drives her?
What is a cultureshock you would give other people just by doing regular things?