3 months into cutting hair, what should I improve on?
Fucking up and saving it
2 Turkish Arab uncles in my village ( Mardin )
My mom’s baby budgies
Is the smell of oranges toxic to budgies?
Is there a problem with the cere here? Bird sitting for a friend and noticed the scaling.
We bought some school bags.
Omak vs. Imak, which one do y'all say to mean "your mother"?
A message from Mardin
Thinking about getting back to the game which server should I start if I want full WOW experience?
Lekkende voegen badkamer
Traveling to Mardin !
Dutch guild
Lelijke betonnen muur die niet behandeld mag worden van de verhuurder. Tijdelijke oplossingen?
Wandcontactdoos verbergen: hoe aan te pakken?
Schakelaar vervangen
Aanleggen stroomkabel
Elektra in 2 kamers stuk
Metal stud aarden?
Looking for a PVE server
Looking for fellow EU players to quest together from the start:)
Curious: What’s Your Subscription Status?
Im happy and sad at the same time ( new player )
Turken van Nederland: wat maken jullie met bloem?
Iemand ervaring met bosch tronic 4000t. Roodlampje brand ipv groen. Geen warm water ook