Are there any cool 4E shoes that aren’t super expensive or dorky looking?
In honor of Brad Dourif's 75th birthday, what's your favorite Doc Cochran quote?
What’s a tv show from your childhood you swear nobody else watched?
Wondering if anyone has any non-chain restaurant recommendations to get a good crispy chicken sandwich. The closer to the North/NW suburbs the better, but I’m open to any suggestion anywhere
Looking for a movie like The Social Network, smart and gripping.
You walk through Jerry’s door and head to the kitchen. What snack you grabbing?
Who's an actor who nailed a role so hard that nobody else will ever be able to live up to it?
What’s a movie from the 80s or 90s that’s criminally underappreciated?
Just did 30 Rock trivia and three teams tried to name themselves The Rural Jurors
Ruin The Godfather with one casting change
Instacarting Costco? Getting ripped off or saving my sanity?
What are some good older movies that someone in their 20s probably hasn’t watched yet?
Why does Leia have one really long fingernail in RoTJ?
Notable examples of actors portraying multiple characters on the same show?
My mother in 9th grade (1970)
If you could bring back to life any celebrity who died too young, who would it be?
Ok Older Millennials... What do we find attractive these days?
Migraine headaches?
Wcgw giving 100% on dance moves at a party
Is there no shame anymore?
countertop ordered vs what we got installed today. Are we in the wrong?
Norm Macdonald, Patrice O’Neal, Mitch Hedberg star in a sitcom. What’s the name and premise of the show?
Accidentally booked a room at the Mayan MONKEY Canun
What movie made you say, "Holy shit there is still an hour left"?
How did YMH fall so hard?