As a healer, I shouldn't be punished for my teammates' bad positioning.
How do I combat dying early due to lag?
WEDNESDAY RAGE THREAD | March 12 - March 18
Can we please gut Valla?
Is the Year of the Wolf the worst year Hearthstone's ever had, card design-wise?
Is Netherwing fresh a PVP or PVE server?
I like Siege, but Ubisoft just doesn't want people like me to play the game.
ANy anti-lag cheats I can download?
How do you deal with experiencing unfair matches?
If Hots put out a huge update soon they could influence a lot of League players to shift over
Considering playing, how's the new player experience?
TBC Fresh Netherwing - Name Reservations today - Launching February 27th - Full Classic Client Compatibility (Stormforge)
Repost from like 3 years ago
Time to say goodbye to these a**holes and welcome new a**holes next month (Badlands Edition)
Things I would like to see in year 10 that I would think would make the game awesome
Map of European countries that Siege has operators from
Current meta and damage
I already miss the StarCraft music / voice lines so much when booting up the game.
HOW Is this still not nerfed??? Its insane how broken and boring its to play against
Are people happy with the current meta?
What would you suggest to fix the Protoss?
How to cope with being poor and friendless?
Leaked collab for next season
Why are streamers allowed to get away with everything?
Should Hearthstone add a "Legend Rule" mechanic?