I can only afford a single wheel but I’m still out here riding
Men are gross
I feel so dumb for blushing
Harassed for using the bathroom im "supposed" to use
Okay to clarify- I got a pet fish yesterday and me just up and buying a pet fish made me euphoric and feel girly.
just got name changed; should i get any documents updated??
Something really sinister is happening in USA
How does buccal work?
girls based in the US: do we have a way to stealthily signal to one another if we're boymoding?
Am I weird just being a woman who is transgender... And not some simpy cat/puppy/goth/sub?
USA: Jerner Law Group: "Opportunity to Take Action: U.S. State Department Publishes Proposed Transphobic Passport Rules for Public Comment" Deadline Mar 17, 2025
Prog questions
"i voted for a president that made sure we were respected throughout the world and i believe i'm getting that"
Research: transgender is seen as more deceptive even compared to other prejudiced groups
U.S. Armed Forces Transgender Ban published by SECDEF
What the actual fuck Walgreens
You guys should escape to x country! It's so trans friendly! We even have free healthcare for trans people!!
no funny business in the comments pls
Constructive criticisms only!
AFAB Gender Marked as "M" on Passport
i got called a man in a dress wearing this dress today by a stranger. also additional photos
Birth Certificates being retained?