Horrific news
What’s the name of this call to the hall variant and what’s roughly its worth?
No time to die (2021) ends with James Bond dying. This foreshadowed Amazon taking full control of the franchise.
The absolute state of Democrats in 2025:
Guys, guys, I'm starting to think they were not pro free speech this whole time
Is there any collectible difference between the two (Topps 2024 H-133)? The one with lights isn’t numbered so I’m wondering what makes it different besides obviously design.
egg prices down yet
Meanwhile, in the Netherlands....
ACTUALLY, Jesus would have advocated for open borders and abortion and women's rights.
Mexico folds to Trump's demands, tariffs avoided
Favorite “Obscure” Falcon
Trying to make the name truly make sense
It’s based if we do it !!!
Minimalist perry the platypus
We were in the top 5 for overall PFF grade this year
Anyone ever go to a Falcons away game? If so, who did they play and how was your experience?
I have once again yeehawmaxxed. Now with bandana and a backpack that isn't absolutely massive.
Reanimated and fixed an old joke
Back to reality… 🙃
angry Marines by mixuen_chan
Top comment changes the map: The Three Mexicos unveil themselves (Day 16)
Turns out not everyone is a WWII fan
We have to be the worst football team in the country right?
Anon admires America