(23) From the ugly fat friend to having my heart broken twice and glowing up 💕✨
[22]f Neck now found
Lemme see those sweet kitties with clothes or accessories.
20-23 it's like 2 different people 😅
(20) over 100kg, in an unhappy relationship with no sense of style to (23) over 20kg lighter, out of that relationship, finally found my style (also wear contacts now) 🫶🏼
Share a pic of your cat freaking out or blurred!
I'm a drug worker supporting drug addicts, offenders and the homeless AMA
Show me your cat napping like they just worked the hardest day of their life:
Show me pics of your cats with their tounge out
Show your pictures of your cats staring at the camera
Show me pictures of your cats in clothes!
Please fill out my dissertation questionnaire :)
Please fill out my questionnaire! <3
What name does he look like?
In the most simple explanation possible, what do you do for a living?
Where can I watch all seasons?
In case you're into arab fragrances:)
Hey everyone! Could you please answer this questionnaire regarding the impact of stress on OCD symptoms and how OCD symptoms may lead to risky behaviours? Thank you in advance :)
I'm speechless
Give me a name and I'll make you a mood board based on it
STIFF LEG DEADLIFT FORM? Form check !! First day back at gym after 10 weeks due to lockdown . Can someone tell if form is alright? Doing SLDL for first time
Help us narrow down our baby girl name list!
Help me with a unique baby girl name that can be pronounced in Spanish as well!
This perfectly describes the situation
I'm so in love with sparkly nails! ✨😍