[Theory] Schelemeus/Skelly's identity
The Situation of Ei and Makoto
Work Thoughts 2: A new idea for Toula
Signora, the best and most efficient Harbinger.
Epic creates some of the worst and the best skins in gaming
Is Melinoe stronger than zagreus, lorewise?
How do you think you get entropy in hades 2?
Is Hephaestus underpowered?
What's the most disappointed you've been by an in-game mechanic?
Rocket Racers I understand your hate for bhops now
What if path of stars weren’t a door reward?
Alright mates, which Axe aspect do you think is better?
Mortal allegiances in Hades 2
The newest patch hasn't changed my opinion, sadly.
We all agree his has his own plans right?
Skull has already beem nerfed
Friendly Reminder Hoyo still allows you to Vote for La Signora as a Playable Character
Skulls are now really strong, Maybe too strong. Nerf or No?
Which one do you think is more powerful so far?
Opinion: This STW pack is BUNS
My main gripe with the final Surface Zone:
Is anyone else disappointed from [redacted]? Major spoilers
Why don't Battlepasses come with Kicks anymore?
What a Supergiant is hiding from us in the third major update
Sorry, what?