AIO for saying…okay?
Why are the players of this game so racist and horrible?
My journey in software engineering so far
Data showing Among Us player colors most likely to be suspicious first vs player colors most likely to accuse a suspicious player first
Data showing Players most likely to be Sus first vs Players most likely to sus first.
[OC] Tracking our sex life in 2024
Calling all game Devs!! I want to try your demos! Send me your links!
Calling all Steam Devs! Link me your Demos! Im tired of all the AAA open world, pay to play, pay to win Gacha garbage out there.. every game seems like a remix of the same exact thing lately. Indy devs are gamings last hope IMO.
Steam Next Fest February 2025 is Tomorrow!
Will I get a refund if I owe the irs from a few years ago?
How do I get someone on the phone?
Looking for an old meme from this kid that made crazy random videos with titles like “how to fix your pc”
Tip baiting is so weird.
Needed some photos before covering up all this detail
So, has steam unlocked said anything about the viruses? Or are they just gonna keep silent? And let others continue using the website??
Painted MG Sazabi Ver Ka
POV: The store is about to open for Black Friday and all of MET called out with food poisoning
Hear me out...
"I'm justifying your existence!"
Why does Home Depot post jobs on the website and put NOW HIRING on the front door of their store if there aren't any jobs?!?
Should I be worried?
So understaffed 😭
Finished Wing Zero Ver. Ka.
HG The O Bulldozer weathering project: salt chipping
Hand painting tips
Secret Santa?